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// Get all elements with class .radio-wrapper const radioWrappers = document.querySelectorAll('.radio-wrapper'); // Attach a click event listener to each radio wrapper radioWrappers.forEach(radioWrapper => { radioWrapper.addEventListener('click', () => { // Get the child radio input element const radioInput = radioWrapper.querySelector('input[type="radio"]'); // Trigger a click event on the radio input element if (radioInput) { radioInput.click(); } }); });
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Financial Literacy Quiz

Find what products or services from Brian are the best fit for your unique financial outlook. All are true are or false questions. Some are scenario/personal finance type questions, and some are purely knowledge-based questions.

Take the quiz now!
Takes about 2 minutes
Question 1

Whenever I earn extra money, I tend to spend it right away.

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Question 2

Talking or even thinking about my finances stresses me out or gives me anxiety.

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Question 3

I set aside a minimum of 5-10% of my paycheck or source of income to put towards my emergency/rainy day fund.

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Question 4

The credit score system is highly confusing and mysterious to me.

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Question 5

I know the difference between debt consolidation loans, debt consolidation programs, and credit repair programs.

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Question 6

My credit card(s) never have a balance beyond 30% of their available credit.

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Question 7

I know how to utilize and earn credit card rewards.

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Question 8

I currently contribute to at least one type of retirement account.

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Question 9

I understand the difference between major asset types such as stocks, bonds, commodities, and cryptocurrency.

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Question 10

I know the difference between an actively managed retirement account vs a self-directed or passive one.

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Question 11

I understand how compound interest applies to retirement accounts.

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Perfect! To learn more, Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

10 out of 11 Literacy Score

Nice job! To learn more, Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

9 out of 11 Literacy Score

Not bad! To learn more, Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

8 out of 11 Literacy Score

Not bad! To learn more, Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

7 out of 11 Literacy Score

Not bad! To learn more, Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

6 out of 11 Literacy Score

Don't get discouraged! Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

4 out of 11 Literacy Score

Don't get discouraged! Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

5 out of 11 Literacy Score

Don't get discouraged! Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

3 out of 11 Literacy Score

Don't get discouraged! Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

2 out of 11 Literacy Score

Don't get discouraged! Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.

1 out of 11 Literacy Score

Don't get discouraged! Brian's course, "The Triangle of Financial Success", covers these topics and more in plain english. Click "course" to view, or click "report" to request the answer key.

This is some text inside of a div block.
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